BE-ST responds to the Scottish Government’s Green Industrial Strategy

Stephen Good, CEO of Built Environment – Smarter Transformation (BE-ST), responds to the Scottish Government’s recently published Green Industrial Strategy which aims to outline how the Scottish Government will ensure Scotland realises the maximum possible economic benefit from the opportunities created by the transition to net zero.

Stephen Good, CEO of BE-ST, said:


“We welcome the publication of this strategy at BE-ST. It highlights the interconnected nature of the transition, as well as the key role collaboration must play in meeting our goals and most importantly, it prioritises how the transition to net zero in the most emitting sectors will be achieved in a way that delivers economic, social and community benefits for all.


Whilst BE-ST recognises that maximising Scotland’s wind economy, developing a self-sustaining carbon capture, utilisation and storage sector, supporting green economy professional and financial services with global reach, growing our hydrogen sector and establishing Scotland as a competitive centre for the clean Energy Intensive Industries of the future will be fundamental to successfully achieving a transition to net zero, it is encouraging to us to see that housing is also recognised as an underpinning enabler to achieving these outcomes.


Given the time that we have left to reach these goals, this is not the time to reinvent the wheel. We invite the Scottish Government to lean on and leverage the well-renowned capability and expertise that we already have in Scotland in delivering affordable homes and modern methods of construction.


We have an established network of experts who are ready to support, facilitate and deliver the required housing and enabling infrastructure to support the growth of Scotland’s green economy. We encourage the Scottish Government to engage with them and learn from the work that Scotland’s offsite manufacturers are already doing and have been doing with BE-ST's support for the past ten years.


BE-ST and our stakeholders here to support the Scottish Government in reaching these networks, achieving the goals of the Green Industrial Strategy and creating the best possible outcomes for the Scottish public through the just transition to net zero.”