Scottish Building Standards
Raising the bar on building standards
Explores opportunities in low carbon construction; brining together knowledge, partners and resources in order to help ready the sector for net zero targets.
The Passivhaus Equivalent Standard
The Scottish Passivhaus Equivalent Standard - Workshop Summary
Workshop 1: Space heating and demand
Workshop 2: Air tightness
Workshop 3: Primary energy demand energy use intensity
Workshop 4: Design calculations, compliance methodologies and the performance gap
Workshop 5: Ventilation and overheating
Workshop 6: Quality Assurance & Compliance
Industry engagement workshop presentation
Industry engagement workshop notes

Delivering very low energy buildings
Energy standards report and literature review
Built Environment Smarter Transformation (BE-ST), working collaboratively with the University of Strathclyde were commissioned to undertake research into energy standards to establish current and best practice, industry views on the route to net zero, and to identify challenges and opportunities along the way.
Low Carbon Construction Bulletin - February 2024
Building standards technical handbook April 2024: domesticThis Scottish Government handbook goes through the regulations that apply to a building warrant submitted on or after 1 April 2024 and to building work which does not require a warrant commenced from that date.
Passivhaus Trust: New moisture guidanceThis paper introduces the challenges around moisture risk that must be borne in mind when tackling any retrofit project, and is essential reading for designers, as well as clients who are looking to inform themselves of the key issues and factors that will influence the project.
How to insulate your loft with natural insulationEveryone's loft, in the UK or Ireland, may be slightly different but in this article we will look at how to improve a cold ventilated loft; which is a type most commonly found in older buildings.
Passivhaus Practical TrainingThroughout 2024, we will be running Passivhaus Practical Training sessions with Coaction Training (formerly Carbonlite). This course is aimed at attendees who have some prior understanding of Passivhaus or have completed the Coaction Certified Passivhaus Designer or Certified Passivhaus Tradeperson training.