VASO Build Limited

IMG 2216

VASO Build Limited provide ecological services across sectors with the intent of bringing wider benefits to society. They are looking to realise these benefits through Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) and a new sustainable panelling system.


Innovating in offsite


VASO Build is looking to reduce the cost of living in new builds and the cost of retrofitting buildings by creating a new offsite build system using circular processes and advanced materials.


One of these advanced materials is a composite panelling system mostly made from recycled glass, in three different forms. The product can resist Category 5 Hurricanes, the highest severity a hurricane can reach, with an excellent fire rating and flood resistance. The product is almost ready to go to market.


VASO has trailed the build system and found that it provides a viable alternative to other more carbon-intensive replacements.


Although well established in many different areas of the built environment and other sectors, VASO Build Limited are relatively new to offsite construction and this circular product. They sought support from BE-ST Material Accelerator to help them on their journey. VASO is currently working towards gaining certification for the product with the British Board of Agrément (BBA), the recognised authority for certification for the UK construction industry.


Ambitions of societal impact


Modular and offsite construction is leading the charge on heading to a future where we can at scale build at lower cost and increased volume.


VASO Build Limited plans to deploy affordable, low carbon dwellings for Registered Social Landlords (RSLs), Social Housing providers and Private House Builders using MMC. This will increase investment in remote areas and economic enablement, where large amounts of housing is required quickly to accommodate workers where there is a housing shortage.


VASO hope to have a large impact on our communities with their new product and system and this looks promising as they have a proven track record of succeeding across their various sectors and businesses.