Low Energy Building Optimisation through Supply Chain Collaboration

As the impact of carbon emissions on the climate comes increasingly into global focus, we are seeing the number of construction projects with aspirational or mandatory embodied and operational energy requirements increase too. 

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Together Morrison Construction, Balfour Beatty, Roberston Construction, Morgan Sindall, Kier Construction, Holmes Miller and BE-ST have collaborated on a paper which aims to explore the key challenges of meeting energy requirements and effective ways of addressing any challenges that do arise through improved collaboration.


The paper also provides valuable insights and lessons learned from the design and construction of low carbon/low energy projects delivered in Scotland. Last, the paper identifies some key metrics as well as how best to integrate solutions to achieve these.


While all project stakeholders can benefit from the paper, it’s intended audience is those with a significant focus on the procurement, design, and operational quality aspects of PassivHaus projects in Scotland.


Overall, our paper outlines the key tools, decisions and early engagement required to continue our industry's journey towards net zero. It aims to help inform discussions and decisions from an early stage of project development by improving knowledge and awareness of the key considerations in delivering a low carbon/low energy building.

Low Energy Building Optimisation through Supply Chain Collaboration

A collaborative paper written by Morrison Construction, Balfour Beatty, Roberston Construction, Morgan Sindall, Kier Construction, Holmes Miller and BE-ST.